
Here's To You Mom!

This blog is dedicated to Mom -- the Maker of the Madness; the original milf; the reason three girls and a boy exist.

For all you blog fans (i.e. those who read this blog because I nag) who loved the sage advice from Mom in this blog's debut post (Three Girls and a Boy: Can Paris Bring Peace in the Middle East?), here's your next fix:

1) "The more people I meet, the more normal I feel." In response to a favorite family pastime comparing the level of our dysfunction to that of other families. Current conclusion: everybody is fucked up.

2) "Life is better when you have fewer expectations." This quote pretty much sums up my current dating situation. But dammit, since when is it okay to settle for so little?

3) "There's nothing wrong in wanting to know if he's different or like all the other assholes." See #2. So far the assholes are winning.

4) "If I have to put a bowl of condoms on the coffee table I will." Mom's insistence that the three girls and a boy practice safe sex while living under her roof.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I AM the Relationship Guru! Make no mistake - my wonderful 3 girls and a boy have been my inspiration for all of this sage advice (along with a few life experiences that should remain tucked away).It's nice to know you all were paying attention!
