
Pardon, is that a phone up your ass?

There was a late breaking story last Friday about inmates in a Salvadoran prison who smuggled cell phones, chargers, and extra SIM cards into their cells by hiding them in their bowels (that's rectum for you Sue) to conduct their gang business from behind bars. See full story: http://www.smh.com.au/news/phones--pdas/pass-the-phone-amigo/2006/09/09/1157222362436.html

If you're sitting at your desk right now asking, What the Fuck? -- you're not alone. My good friend Paul asked himself the same thing and came up with these top 10 responses:

10. Actually, this has nothing to do with communication, they just set the phone to vibrate for a cheap thrill.
9. Don't drop the phone has just become the new catch phrase in Mexican prisons.
8. That shit is off the hook!
7. Introducing the new Chocolate from LG.
6. I might lose you, I'm going through a tunnel.
5. Reach out, reach out and touch someone.
4. Motorola just announced that Katie Couric will be endorsing their new colonoscopy camera phone
3. Cingular Wireless, more bars in more places.
2. I just got off the phone with a total asshole.
1. This totally trumps my splinter in the ass story

Disclaimer: While Paul was willing to tempt ridicule by allowing his jokes on the internet, he would like everyone to know that he will not be placing the x-rays taken of the splinter in his ass on the internet.

For all of you who are now intrigued by the splinter story, please leave a comment and maybe we can convince Paul to share with everyone!

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