Today is Wednesday December 30, 2009 and it is National Baking Soda Day (or National Bicarbonate of Soda Day for all you Chem majors). A day to put aside our differences and celebrate all the wonderful uses of baking soda… to name a few:
1. Helps baked goods rise
2. Tenderizes meats
3. Removes odors
4. and most importantly, can be mixed with vinegar to create a volcano.
There’s not a whole lot going on in celebrity news other than Tiger going into hiding and Charlie Sheen acting like… well, Charlie Sheen, so I’d like to recap this year with my
Top 9 Favorite Celebrity Stories of 2009:
9. White House Crashers- These people are clearly delusional enough to be worthy of their own reality show… I’d watch.
9. White House Crashers- These people are clearly delusional enough to be worthy of their own reality show… I’d watch.
8. Chris Brown- You suck. The best thing about you is the cool dance the wedding party did to your song… (that was awesome)
7. Michael Jackson- Talk about the story that wouldn’t go away. Larry King is still uncovering breaking news on this one. (too soon?)
6. Balloon Boy- Glad to hear his parents are going to jail but the best thing about this story was Falcon (or Pigeon or whatever is name was) throwing up live on The Today Show and me watching it live wondering why Meredith was continuing with the interview.
5. Jennifer Aniston/John Mayer- This may not seem very exciting to you but hey, this is my list and I will always be interested in who she is dating. I love ya Jen!
4. OctoMom- (or as I prefer, Octopussy). What a crazy! Someone take those kids and remove her uterus pronto!
3. David Letterman- I love me some Letterman and he may have behaved badly but I still love me some Letterman.
2. John and Kate- OMG! Stop Talking! And everyone stop acting like her haircut is trendy and cool. Its bad, REALLY BAD! And is John Gosselin not the biggest douche ever?! The picture of him at the MGM pool hosting a “pool party” pretty much sums up his douchery. I have to admit though, I was addicted to this story.
1. Tiger- The greatest thing about this whole story was that he banged some skank, who was a waitress at Perkins, in his car. I don’t know what’s more troubling… him banging the skank or the fact that Tiger eats at Perkins!