

Dear Three Girls and a Boy enthusiasts (aka Jessica Lovelady, Beth Heppert, and Kerry Cavanaugh),

Thank you for your demands to bring this blog back live and kickin! Beth said it best when she commented that us girls and our boy have had a lot of changes since our last post on my blessed twenty first anniversary of living. We started this blog a few years ago after feeling the need to share our witty, raw humor with the world in hopes that we would be discovered and given the reality show that we so deserve. When months and many hilarious posts passed without a million dollar offer from any big time networks at a prime time hour, our blog fizzled out. This post will be my effort to get the other two girls and our lone boy back on the blogging wagon. Let me take up a little bit more space on the page and little bit more of your time to catch you up on the past three years. Yeah, that's right, three years...we were hip to this blogging game a long time ago.

All girls, except me, and the boy got married in the last year. So, I guess now you could technically say we have two more boys and a girl to throw into the mix. In addition, to the fabulous people who married into the family, we welcomed our first little one, Olivia, who is quite possibly the sweetest and most adorable baby I have ever laid eyes on.

As you can see, our family has been growing and, in return, growing our stories. So fans, aka three people who care about this blog still, keep your demand coming and keep your fingers crossed for more posts from the other members.


  1. Who are the Kardashians anyway? Nice Job on the Relaunch Sue!

  2. Please post lots. I need this to add to the lists of my websites I look at at work so I can entertain myself by anything but work.

  3. YAY Good job Sue...& keep 'em coming! :)

  4. I can't believe it's been 3 years since the last post! I remember reading these like it was yesterday. I look forward to possibly offering some blog topics or content this go around. God blesses Three Girls and a Boy.

  5. I am a secret stalker as well. So glad you're back.

  6. YES. I just threw up a fist pump
