
So Much for that DVD Collection

Maybe you could call this post a late attempt to jump on the bandwagon, but I honestly would not feel right not posting my sincere sadness that Conan O'Brien will no longer be hosting the Tonight Show. While I can't say it is a frequent occurrence that I am able to stay awake for a full episode of the show, I can say that when I am able to, I have always laughed a hell of a lot harder and an octave higher with Conan as the host instead of Jay Leno.

Growing up we were lucky enough to own the Johnny Carson collector set of dvds. I used to watch them with the two girls and boy and laugh hysterically at Carson's Carnac the Magnificent bit and classic stand up routines by Steve Martin and others. Hilariousness such as this had not graced the presence of the tonight show since Carson's retirement until Conan O'Brien took over the time slot and introduced his puppet hip dance, fabulous hairstyle, and the bear frantically trying to find his cellphone in his fanny pack (aka masturbating bear) to 11:30pm.

I doubt that they will be creating a collector set of dvds from Conan's 7 month stint on the tonight show, but if they do you better believe it will become part of my collection.


  1. Dont forget to watch (or DVR if you cant stay awake past 10 like me) the last show tonight. :(

  2. I totally forgot about the Johnny Carson DVD collection! HaHa. That's awesome.

  3. Very sad; however, I know that Conan is still in your top 5, Sue.
